The Bali Glow, The Bay Hustle, and The Feminine Mystique

I just landed back in California after spending two months in Bali, Indonesia. Before the Bali Glow fades back into the Bay Hustle… I want to share a collection of experiences, musings, and evolutions from my time in Bali… Yet so much of what I would share is hard to put into words. Sometimes so …

Remembering Robin Williams

By now, you have probably heard the sad news. Robin Williams died. When I heard, I felt numb. In fact, I still do. My first response when I heard about Robin was, “We need to take better care of our comedians.” But my second response was, “Comedians are canaries (in the coal mine). We need to …

Tim Ferriss 4-Hour Workweek

Meeting Tim Ferriss circa 2006

One morning ten years ago I woke up at 4:30 am and couldn’t get back to sleep. I had the fire in me. The week before I had done a shamanic medicine journey and my life was changing. But I didn’t know exactly how. The sun wasn’t up yet. Somehow, searching the internet, I found a recording from the SXSW festival with this …

Green with Envy or Making Yourself Sick? (Let Go to be Well!)

If you know me, you know jealousy has always been my biggest “sin.” Oh, God, it’s a really juicy hook for me. I’m a 4 on the enneagram–and jealousy a big feature of 4’s. (That and being incredibly charming and lovable.) But I read this article and realized it’s really killing me in a way. She says it paralyzes productivity and kills creativity. It’s true. What do we do about it?

What’s in a Birthday? Notes on turning a thirty-something

Yes, I’ve spent a over decade performing comedy, but it was largely unpaid and for give minutes at a time. It was easy to sleep in until 10am every day. Working day jobs that I didn’t really feel passionate about. Since I was little, I had always felt like there was something different, something wrong with me, some way I didn’t fit in….

Laugh Away the Pain? It’s Evolutionary.

Once upon a time, Charlie Chaplin said, “Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain.” Last week, The New York Times agreed. The reported on a recent study which found that,”laughing increased pain resistance.” In this story, the science of modern times sides with the clown. The Oxford study also suggests that laughter has provided primates with an age-old evolutionary advantage.