‘the art of feeling good about doing nothing, faster.’

Getting Shit Done: The art of feeling good about doing nothing, faster. introduction: the myth of productivity what is productivity? when you hear the stats on npr, 'u. s. productivity down .6 percent', what the fuck does that mean? how exactly does one measure productivity to the hundredth of a percentile? imagine your boss standing …

The Viking Bride

I read a blog today. It was written in That Style. The guy referred to his children as The Boy Child and The Girl Child and his wife as The Viking Bride. Each entry described a Small Dismiss-able Event that, now inscribed in electronic ink, reified the event's contextual meaning. Each entry had a touching, …

bookshelf remains unhung, rose on sidewalk smells good

A metaphorical bookshelf sitting beside my desk in my San Francisco bedroom slash office remains unhung. It's a clunky sentence, I know. Anyway, the gist is that there are things that need doing. Receipts need filing. Resumes need writing. Clothes need folding. Things need getting done. Several months ago, reading the infamous Getting Things Done, …

dattner HQ

Hello team, welcome to Dattner HQ. As you can see, the facility is state-of-the-art. We've installed a warehouse full of brand new humor coils powered by a monster v12 engine, three edit bays, mirrors in the bathroom, a comprehensive character integration module, a Swedish chef translator, a library wing full of discarded hats dedicated to …

circus tour on hiatus. (we’re recording a studio album.)

"so what's next?" is the most inane party question. it seems that once a reputation for leading thrilling and unconventional life has been established, it must be kept up, like the plucking of unwanted eyebrow hair. sure, you can wear neon green leg warmers or drive a motorcycle into a pool just once and your …